Discounts greater than 40% can be shipped FBA/FBM, no adult or prohibited items. Fast on posting. High posting rate.
No Adults 90% Rate 40%+ Discount Quick Post Can send FBMFBA with discounts greater than 40%. Regular products are available to try. Upper posting rate 90%+, selected products.
Only FBA 40%+ Discount 90% RateWe will send out to four groups at once: SassySaves, Sassy Savings and Deals, and Super Moms Save. The total number of members across these four groups exceeds 500,000, and we will take a screenshot of one of the groups, as it offers great value.
90% Rate Quick Post Can send FBMFBA products, discounts greater than 30%, do not send no comments new products, most products can be sent. Redditors have multiple social media, usually synchronized, only feedback ins links and screenshots.
Reviews Required 90% Rate Only FBA 1-3 Day PostMale/electronics/tools/outdoor/toys bloggers, require discounts of 30% OFF or more, can accept new products.
No Adults No Knives Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountBoth FBA and FBM are acceptable, with discounts of 30% or more and ratings of 4.0 or higher. The audience is broad, with over 600,000 members in large groups. Choose posts wisely and post quickly.
90% Rate Quick Post 4+ Stars Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountOn the UK Deal site, the Flash section requires discounts starting from 50% OFF. The prices are budget-friendly, with an average monthly traffic of over 3 million visits. It's recommended to compare pricing with competitors before posting, and discount codes must be displayed prominently on the front end.
Quick Post 50%+ Discount 90% RateThe average view count is between 10,000 to 20,000, focusing on FBA products with at least 10 reviews. Each TikTok video promotes multiple products simultaneously, so it's advisable not to select them. Preference is given to home décor, beauty, and electronic products.
Can send FBM No AdultsThe gender ratio is balanced, making it suitable for all product categories, including independent stores
90% Rate product selectionAmazon only ships FBA, excluding adult products and political items. Walmart and eBay are also options, and shipments will be sent to two additional groups. Discounts must be 30% off
No Adults No Politics 30%+ DiscountHigh probability of selection; you can consider trying this. FBM can be sent, with a posting rate of 80%. Preference is given to electronic 3C products, male outdoor items, and home sports-related products. No adult products are allowed! No postings on weekends
Can send FBM Weekend Off No AdultsInstagram influencer, can post on FBM and Walmart, high engagement rate, avoids adult content, also shares on FB groups, suitable for high average order value products.
No Adults Can send FBM Quick PostCan post on FBM, can post on Walmart baby groups, posting rate is 90%. Suitable products will be synced to a private group of over 40,000 people. Do not post products with increased prices!!!
Adult OK 90% Rate Can send FBMAverage monthly visit of 550,000, editing posts within 24 hours, posting within 48 hours, suitable for electronic products, tools, home appliances, etc.
1-2 Day Post product selection Weekend OffRed influencer home page, can post Walmart, can post FBM free shipping products, product reviews must be no less than 25, discounts no less than 40%. Do not post adult content, do not post products with price increases.
No Adults Can send FBMSelection criteria are extremely strict! It is recommended to order micro-brand/branded products. CODE>30%, Listing overall rating >3.5, or no rating; average monthly visits 3M+, displayed on Amazon India Coupons & Promo Codes section.
30%+ Discount 1-2 Day Post Strict SelectPopular Posts, over 30% off code, code needs to be displayed on the frontend, supporting Walmart, AliExpress, and independent sites.
30%+ DiscountPostings will be effective for 2-3 days, The largest deal website in Russia under the pepper flagship, Make sure to display the code on the front end before posting.
2-3 Day Pos Quick PostHighly recommend posting in January, as the price-to-value ratio is exceptionally high! A mandatory requirement is a 30% off discount code that must be applied on the same day for rapid posting.
30%+ Discount No Politics No AdultsWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00