FBM/FBA, no adult products. Posting rate is 80%, no posts on weekends. Posting on the European site is generally slower, so please be patient.
Can send FBM Weekend Off No AdultsA premium group will also sync to Telegram. We only share FBA products with reasonable prices, which can lead to better sales. With a considerable number of followers, it’s definitely worth a try!
Only FBAOnly accepting Amazon orders, with the option to simultaneously post to the FB page and WhatsApp/Telegram group chats, offering discounts of over 30%.
product selection Quick Post 30%+ DiscountFBA only, strict label selection, good reviews make it easier to get labels. Feedback within 1-3 days. Low label approval rate, so it's recommended to combine with orders from other groups.
Strict Select Only FBAFBA Only, selection posts with decent activity. It will also sync to over 2,000 homepages. Worth a try.
product selection Only FBAAt the same time, four groups are being sent out, totaling over 200,000 followers. (Due to one administrator being unavailable, posts can currently only be made in the Canada Deals & Coupons and Amazing Deals & Discounts Canada groups.) Please do not submit adult products!
No Adults 90% RateDo not post FBM; submissions to FBM will not be posted by the admin and no refunds will be issued! The posting rate is 80%, this is a small group in Canada, and adult content is not allowed. Posts are made relatively quickly, and most products perform well. The group is active and worth trying out.
No FBM Quick PostThe price is only applicable to adult products in this channel.
Adult OKA Canadian group that allows posting FBM and adult products. They have their own app, and posts are also synchronized to their website and app. The fan engagement is quite good, offering great value for money and is worth trying out!
Can send FBM Adult OKOnly ship via FBA, and the discount should be 30% or more.
30%+ Discount Only FBAOnly ship via FBA, at least 40% off, do not ship new products with zero reviews, and do not ship adult products.
No Adults Reviews Required 40%+ Discount Only FBAThe influencer's homepage will also be synced to two small groups. The product discount requirements are not high, so everyone can give it a try.
A highly cost-effective group in the UK occasionally sees small spikes in orders, and the administrator has raised prices! This will be reflected on his website. The group has a large number of followers and a rapid growth rate. The activity level is quite good. The requirement is
No Adults No FBMThe UK small group, not expensive, can ship almost all products except for adults.
No Adults 90% RateOnly FBA shipments are allowed, with discounts of at least 30% off. No identical products should be shipped within 30 days.
Only FBA 30%+ DiscountSelect products with a discount of 30% or more. For FBM products, seller feedback must be above 80%. The posting rate should be 80%, and products with shipping costs will not be sent.
product selection Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountFor FBA, the posting rate is 90%. It is possible to post adult products. Products with good reviews can be sent via FBM. However, FBM products without ratings should not be posted. Products without ratings will not be posted. The group is quite active, and the posting speed is
Adult OK 90% Rate Quick Post Can send FBMChildren's home products can be newly launched, but no adult products will be released. Everything is at least 30% off, with a posting rate of 80%. The follower count isn't particularly high, but the posting volume isn't very large either. It's worth
No Adults New product launch 30%+ DiscountOn the UK Deal site, the Flash section requires discounts starting from 50% OFF. The prices are budget-friendly, with an average monthly traffic of over 3 million visits. It's recommended to compare pricing with competitors before posting, and discount codes must be displayed prominently on the front end.
Quick Post 50%+ Discount 90% RateThese are very affordable groups, with posts made in six groups at a time
Quick PostWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00