Select posts; if selected, they will be shared in a VK group with 250,000 members and a Telegram group with 3,000 members. By default, only the VK link will be provided. Products for women and home goods generally perform well, while electronic products can also be considered. Most posts have a view count starting from 5,000.
Quick Post product selectionActive discount groups, covering various categories such as electronics, home goods, and beauty products, are available for participation, with views ranging from 3,000 to 5,000. Prices will increase during the three days prior to major promotional events, and postings may be delayed. Please refrain from joining if this is an issue for you!
product selectionMore suitable for technology-related products; postings within 48 hours, no orders on weekends.
1-2 Day Post Weekend OffOnly FBA shipments are allowed; no shipments for adults or self-shipments. Labels must be applied within 1-2 days, and no shipments are processed on weekends.
No Adults Weekend Off Only FBA 1-2 Day PostOnly FBA shipments are sent, no adult products. Stickers are applied quickly, weekends are off, and there must be a three-day gap between the same products.
Quick Post Weekend Off No AdultsPost to both groups simultaneously, one main page where FBA, FBM, and adult content can be shared. Feel free to experiment.
Adult OK Can send FBMActive small group in Italy, sharing selected posts, synchronized with another small group and Telegram, starting at 40% OFF, no restrictions on products, feel free to submit and try.
product selection 40%+ DiscountEligible for Amazon FBA, discounts must be above 30% OFF, and also posted in another group.
30%+ Discount Quick PostThis group only posts on the main page. The administrator has two main pages, both of which will have posts, with fast posting speed and highly active followers. No adult content or FBM is posted!
No Adults 90% Rate Quick Post Only FBAOriginally Miss B-P, the main page encountered issues, and the administrator can only post in her other group, which is also very active. Selective posting, only Amazon FBA is posted, no adult content, worth a try.
product selection No AdultsAccepts adult content and FBM, with a 90% posting rate and fast posting speed, focusing more on fashion, basically everything can be posted, and the group has high activity.
Adult OK Quick Post Can send FBMStrict selection of posts, Amazon FBA, over 30% off, posting is relatively slow, urgent orders are not recommended, the posting rate is low, it's suggested to place orders with other groups as well.
Strict Select Only FBA 30%+ DiscountDiscounts must be at least 40% or more, and the posting rate is low. It is recommended to place orders together with other groups
40%+ Discount No AdultsFBA Only, usually available for same-day dispatch, offers great value for money. It will be shared on a Facebook page with 10,000 followers and an Instagram account with over 10,000 followers.
Quick Post Only FBANo posts will be made for adults on weekends. Synchronizing two groups and one main page, with an audience of over 20,000.
No Adults Weekend OffFBM can be initiated, with the blogger posting in two groups, two Telegram groups, and 45 WhatsApp groups. Adult products will only be posted in Telegram and WhatsApp.
Can send FBMNew administrator, price increased, wide publishing range! No adult content, fast posting rate, 90% post approval rate.
No Adults product selection 90% Rate Quick PostMainly focusing on electronics, fashion and beauty, home goods, and kitchen supplies; other categories can also be explored.
product selection Quick PostThe active groups in Germany have good interaction on posts, with new posts appearing every 1-2 days and a posting rate of 70%. Discounts are over 40% off, making it a cost-effective option worth trying! For the same product, it's necessary to wait a longer interval before posting again; otherwise, the administrator won't approve it.
70% Rate 40%+ Discount 1-2 Day PostBoth FBA and FBM are acceptable. No adult content will be sent. Please also share with a small group of 2.9k followers.
No Adults Can send FBMWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00