Discounts greater than 40% can be shipped FBA/FBM, no adult or prohibited items. Fast on posting. High posting rate.
No Adults 90% Rate 40%+ Discount Quick Post Can send FBMNo specific category, but if it's active, it's worth a try.
product selectionThis group is suitable for products related to technology and home appliances.
Quick PostThere is a Telegram group with posts having view counts starting from 20,000. If you're interested, feel free to give it a try.
product selectionThe 121W Telegram channel has a viewership of 70,000 to 150,000 and is quite suitable for electronic products.
Quick Post product selectionActive small groups grow rapidly in followers and offer high cost-effectiveness, making them worth trying.
Quick Post product selectionThe 50,000 aircraft fleet is particularly active, well-suited for electronic products and niche items, with a post view count of approximately 15,000.
product selectionPosted in 2-3 days, in a TG group with high fan trust, resulting in high conversion rates. Promoted a new brand of toothbrushes valued at around $25, resulting in over 100 sales.
2-3 Day Pos Quick Post 90% RateSpanish telegram group, FBA/FBM can be sent, with discounts greater than 40%. Post for 1 to 3 days.
Can send FBM 1-3 Day PostThe Portugal and Spain telegraph group is quick and mostly reliable.
Quick Post 50% Rate3.8 points or above, no specific requirements, basically all can be accepted, and the order volume is good. High posting rate, fast posting.
Only FBA 4+ Stars 90% RateSuitable for 3C/home goods/outdoor products, the group will reach up to 130,000 subscribers.
Quick Post product selectionPopular Italian group, only accepting 3C class products. Admin selects posts, if discount is not satisfactory, will reject post, if discount is good will additionally promote in other larger groups!
product selection No AdultsFor FBA only, choose the link! The better the link, the higher the posting rate! Typically takes 1-2 days.
1-2 Day Post Only FBA product selectionSuitable for home, lifestyle, 3C, electronic products, 1-2 days needed to select stickers! Linking to high-quality products will increase the sticking rate.
1-2 Day Post product selectionDiscount over 40%, suitable for home/fashion/3C electronics, nearly 90K subscribers, high readership, single post exceeds 2K views within 24 hours.
40%+ DiscountWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00