Currently, only posts are made in the Facebook and Telegram groups. The Telegram group has 128.2K followers and is very active. We only share FBA and high-rated products, preferably those with 4 stars or above. New products are not posted, and discounts should be over 50%. The posting time may exceed three days, so set the discount duration longer! No new products will be
No New Items 50%+ Discount 4+ StarsOnly post pet supplies. 40% off or more, rating 4 stars or above. Can post new products, both FBM and FBA allowed.
1-2 Day Post Can send FBM New product launch 40%+ Discount40% off +, new products and FBA accepted. Posts within a week, be cautious with discounts under 5 days, no refunds for issues.
70% Rate 40%+ Discount 3-5 Day Post New product launchChoose posts, starting at 30% off, FBA only, with limited posting volume, slow posting on weekends. Most categories can be tried out.
1-2 Day Post Only FBA No AdultsPost in 5 groups, reaching over 300k people, 40% off or more, no adult/sensitive content.
Only FBA Quick Post 40%+ Discount 90% Rate Adult OKFBA/FBM, discount required over 35%, FBA no selection, FBM occasionally selected.
1-2 Day Post Can send FBM 4+ Stars 40%+ Discount 90% RateWigs and home products are quite good, no discount requirements, the larger the better, can be on independent sites or Walmart.
New product launch Quick Post 90% RateAll categories are available for shipping. FBM is also available for shipping, but product selection is required. Interesting household items and toys are more popular.
1-2 Day Post Can send FBM 40%+ Discount 90% RateWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00