Shopping Cart
Fans 220K

FBA only, strict label selection, good reviews make it easier to get labels. Feedback within 1-3 days. Low label approval rate, so it's recommended to combine with orders from other groups.

Strict Select Only FBA
$7.12 VIP

FBA Only, selection posts with decent activity. It will also sync to over 2,000 homepages. Worth a try.

product selection Only FBA
$3.92 VIP

At the same time, four groups are being sent out, totaling over 200,000 followers. (Due to one administrator being unavailable, posts can currently only be made in the Canada Deals & Coupons and Amazing Deals & Discounts Canada groups.) Please do not submit adult products!

No Adults 90% Rate
$7.12 VIP

Do not post FBM; submissions to FBM will not be posted by the admin and no refunds will be issued! The posting rate is 80%, this is a small group in Canada, and adult content is not allowed. Posts are made relatively quickly, and most products perform well. The group is active and worth trying out.

No FBM Quick Post
$8.83 VIP

The price is only applicable to adult products in this channel.

Adult OK
$12.75 VIP

A Canadian group that allows posting FBM and adult products. They have their own app, and posts are also synchronized to their website and app. The fan engagement is quite good, offering great value for money and is worth trying out!

Can send FBM Adult OK
$6.87 VIP

Only ship via FBA, and the discount should be 30% or more.

30%+ Discount Only FBA
$6.38 VIP

Only ship via FBA, at least 40% off, do not ship new products with zero reviews, and do not ship adult products.

No Adults Reviews Required 40%+ Discount Only FBA
$3.69 VIP
Fans 111K

Only FBA, selective posting, high posting rate. Discounts should be compelling, ideally starting at 40%, no rush orders accepted.

product selection 90% Rate 40%+ Discount Quick Post Only FBA
$2.94 VIP

Rating above 3.8, over 40% off, only FBA. Posting within 1-2 days, no special requirements.

90% Rate 40%+ Discount Only FBA 1-2 Day Post
$2.46 VIP
Fans 160K

Facebook page, FBA Only, strict selection of posts, updates every 1-4 days. Please set all variants to available for discounts, with a rating of 4 stars or higher.

Strict Select 40%+ Discount Only FBA
$2.46 VIP
Fans 83K

80,000 followers, good engagement. FBA products, posts are made slowly, please wait patiently for 3 days. Posts are curated, discounts need to be attractive.

product selection 3-5 Day Post Only FBA
$2.94 VIP
Fans 193K

FBA Only, 40% Off and Above, Featured Posts

Only FBA 40%+ Discount 90% Rate
$2.21 VIP

The administrator has raised the prices in the Canadian group. The posting rate is low, FBA Only, and discounts must be over 25%; no price increase products are allowed.

Only FBA Quick Post Strict Select
$3.17 VIP
Fans 8.6K

FBA, 40% OFF+. Most likely to be posted in the comments section, do not mind if you are sensitive!

40%+ Discount Quick Post Only FBA
$3.19 VIP

FBA, 40% off+, picky about products, no adult content, high posting rate.

40%+ Discount product selection Only FBA
$1.96 VIP

FBA offers discounts greater than 40% and is selective about products.

40%+ Discount Strict Select Only FBA
$2.94 VIP

Active group in Canada, with a post rate of 90% and fast posting speed. Adult content is allowed, but only FBA posts will be accepted. FBM submissions will not be refunded.

Only FBA 40%+ Discount No New Items No Adults
$3.44 VIP

40% off or more, only FBA shipping, posted within 2-3 days, items with no reviews or ratings lower than 4.0 will not be sent. No price increases, fake high discounts will not be sent.

2-3 Day Pos Only FBA 4+ Stars Reviews Required Adult OK
$3.92 VIP

FBA, over 40% discount, not suitable for adults, regular products can all be tried. Promotional information will be displayed in the comments of the post.

Only FBA 40%+ Discount 60% Rate No Adults
$4.42 VIP

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