The average view count is 15,000, with selection time for posts being 1-2 days. The increase in followers is quite rapid, and the results are generally good. TikTok often features multiple products in a single video and does not have strict product preferences, making it a worthwhile experimental channel.
90% Rate 1-2 Day PostThe average view count is between 10,000 to 20,000, focusing on FBA products with at least 10 reviews. Each TikTok video promotes multiple products simultaneously, so it's advisable not to select them. Preference is given to home décor, beauty, and electronic products.
Only FBA 4+ Stars Quick PostFemale bloggers, predominantly female audience, focus on women's products and everyday home items. Fast posting, submissions published within 1-2 days.
1-2 Day Post 70% Rate product selectionSelect posts with better links for higher posting rates! Majority of audience is female. Normal feedback on posting within 1-3 days.
product selection 70% Rate 1-4 Day FeedbackFBA, premium influencers, high cost performance. Request for discounts to be at least 40% off, with 4-star ratings and reviews for higher posting rates. Simultaneous posting on INS/FB; feedback only via TikTok link and screenshot. Each video showcases multiple products; no exclusivity.
40%+ Discount Quick Post 4+ StarsFBA, rating > 4.3, over 40% off, must have discount code. Simultaneous posting on multiple social media platforms; feedback only on one channel.
40%+ Discount 4+ Stars Only FBAFBA, over 40% off, 65% female audience, 100% American followers. Suitable for all categories, ideal for Hispanic influencers looking to reach Hispanic audiences.
Only FBA Quick Post 40%+ DiscountFBA, over 40% off, with a rating above 3.8. Post on Instagram/Facebook simultaneously, only provide screenshots and links for feedback on TK. Please ensure the discount code is active before placing an order. Do not list new products; focus on those with high cost-effectiveness, stable sales, quick posting, and feedback the next day.
1-2 Day Post Only FBA 4+ Stars 40%+ DiscountDedicated to Deals, popular on Matrix, sync with TK, no FBM, no steep price hikes.
No FBMWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00