Discounts greater than 40% can be shipped FBA/FBM, no adult or prohibited items. Fast on posting. High posting rate.
No Adults 90% Rate 40%+ Discount Quick Post Can send FBMFBA with discounts greater than 40%. Regular products are available to try. Upper posting rate 90%+, selected products.
Only FBA 40%+ Discount 90% RateWe will send out to four groups at once: SassySaves, Sassy Savings and Deals, and Super Moms Save. The total number of members across these four groups exceeds 500,000, and we will take a screenshot of one of the groups, as it offers great value.
90% Rate Quick Post Can send FBMMale/electronics/tools/outdoor/toys bloggers, require discounts of 30% OFF or more, can accept new products.
No Adults No Knives Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountBoth FBA and FBM are acceptable, with discounts of 30% or more and ratings of 4.0 or higher. The audience is broad, with over 600,000 members in large groups. Choose posts wisely and post quickly.
90% Rate Quick Post 4+ Stars Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountOn the UK Deal site, the Flash section requires discounts starting from 50% OFF. The prices are budget-friendly, with an average monthly traffic of over 3 million visits. It's recommended to compare pricing with competitors before posting, and discount codes must be displayed prominently on the front end.
Quick Post 50%+ Discount 90% RateRed influencer home page, can post Walmart, can post FBM free shipping products, product reviews must be no less than 25, discounts no less than 40%. Do not post adult content, do not post products with price increases.
No Adults Can send FBMHighly recommend posting in January, as the price-to-value ratio is exceptionally high! A mandatory requirement is a 30% off discount code that must be applied on the same day for rapid posting.
30%+ Discount No Politics No AdultsAfter one week of posting, the price-to-performance ratio is super high, worth recommending! Strict requirement: a 30% off discount code must be available, with the code being effective on the same day it is posted.
30%+ Discount No Politics No AdultsRed envelopes must be at the lowest price in history. 16-hour quality guarantee. We do not accept orders from stores with less than 4 stars or no feedback. For Amazon store feedback, there must be over 100 reviews in the past year with at least 80% positive feedback.
4+ Stars 40%+ DiscountEdit posts, only post FBA, usually can be posted the same day, high posting rate.
Only FBA Quick Post 90% RateFBA, 40% off or more, 900K monthly visitors, relatively inclusive.
New product launch 40%+ DiscountRating 4.0+, 40%+ discount, FBA, posted in 1-2 days. Homepage post, ranks posts in two ways: top five lines/bottom five lines.
1-2 Day Post 40%+ Discount 90% Rate Weekend Off Adult OKRating above 4, no other requirements. Avoid products with significant price increases. Don't order if reviews are under 20. Posts can go live on the selected day.
Can send FBM New product launch 4+ Stars Quick Post Strict Select 50% RateNo new products, must have reviews, recommended 4 stars or above, selective, slower posting time, sometimes over 3 days for posting, but good results.
Only FBA 4+ Stars 3-5 Day Post product selection Reviews RequiredNo posting for new products without reviews; can post from Amazon, Walmart, any category. No posts on weekends. Suitable for low-priced items, typically ranging from a dozen to 1000+.
Weekend Off Reviews Required No New ItemsOnly FBA shipments accepted, can be sent to Walmart, no new products, rating of 4.0 or above, 40% discount +
No New Items 60% Rate 40%+ Discount Only FBA 1-2 Day PostRated at 4.0 stars, 40% off, Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) only, ships within 1-2 days.
No Adults Weekend Off 40%+ Discount 4+ Stars 1-2 Day PostWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00