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Fans 2.6K

Discounts greater than 40% can be shipped FBA/FBM, no adult or prohibited items. Fast on posting. High posting rate.

No Adults 90% Rate 40%+ Discount Quick Post Can send FBM
€9.42 VIP
Fans 100K

Posted in 2-3 days, in a TG group with high fan trust, resulting in high conversion rates. Promoted a new brand of toothbrushes valued at around $25, resulting in over 100 sales.

2-3 Day Pos Quick Post 90% Rate
€216.98 VIP
Fans 19K

The Portugal and Spain telegraph group is quick and mostly reliable.

Quick Post 50% Rate
€3.91 VIP
Fans 88K

Discount over 40%, suitable for home/fashion/3C electronics, nearly 90K subscribers, high readership, single post exceeds 2K views within 24 hours.

40%+ Discount
€17.71 VIP

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