Accepts adult content and FBM, with a 90% posting rate and fast posting speed, focusing more on fashion, basically everything can be posted, and the group has high activity.
Adult OK Quick Post Can send FBMStrict selection of posts, Amazon FBA, over 30% off, posting is relatively slow, urgent orders are not recommended, the posting rate is low, it's suggested to place orders with other groups as well.
Strict Select Only FBA 30%+ DiscountFBM can be initiated, with the blogger posting in two groups, two Telegram groups, and 45 WhatsApp groups. Adult products will only be posted in Telegram and WhatsApp.
Can send FBMAd duration is one week, please ensure that the promotion is valid for more than 7 days. Discount must be greater than 30%. Price cannot be increased by more than 30% within a month. Adult products are not accepted.
30%+ Discount Quick Post No AdultsFBA/FBM both accepted, not suitable for adult products, high posting rate.
No Adults Can send FBMWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00