FBA Only. Select posts, active groups, with limited daily postings. Preference for home goods, gardening, children's products, etc. If the product is good, it can lead to small bursts in sales.
Adult OK Weekend Off product selection Only FBAFBM is acceptable; everything can be tried except adult products. Posting is slower on weekends, and political products won't be released. Posts should go up within 1-3 days, with a posting rate of 90%.
No Adults No Politics 90% Rate 1-3 Day Post Can send FBMRed influencer home page, can post Walmart, can post FBM free shipping products, product reviews must be no less than 25, discounts no less than 40%. Do not post adult content, do not post products with price increases.
No Adults Can send FBMBilingual website, featured on the homepage for Chinese Americans in the US, across all product categories.
Quick Post 90% RateRating above 4, no other requirements. Avoid products with significant price increases. Don't order if reviews are under 20. Posts can go live on the selected day.
Can send FBM New product launch 4+ Stars Quick Post Strict Select 50% RateFBA, over 30% discount, influencer with channels on TikTok/Facebook.
Only FBA Quick Post 40%+ DiscountSelect products with a minimum 40% discount and at least 50 reviews to be considered. Recommended categories include home goods, beauty products, gardening supplies, common 3C electronics, and personal care items.
2-3 Day Pos Only FBA 40%+ Discount product selectionFBA, 40% off+, can post new and adult products, top products will be shared across multiple groups. Only one link may be provided, serious buyers only!
Adult OK 40%+ Discount Only FBA New product launchWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00