The UK small group, not expensive, can ship almost all products except for adults.
No Adults 90% RateSelect products with a discount of 30% or more. For FBM products, seller feedback must be above 80%. The posting rate should be 80%, and products with shipping costs will not be sent.
product selection Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountSelect posts, with 350,000 fans on the main page and a group with over 100,000 fans. The fanbase in the UK is quite substantial. Not accepting holiday or religious products.
70% Rate product selectionPost in four locations: one WhatsApp group, one Twitter group, and one Telegram group. Only screenshot available for FB, no exclusivity.
product selectionFBA only, limited custom FBM accepted, no adult products, new items okay. Posting takes time, order if not urgent.
New product launch 50% Rate product selection No AdultsWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00