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Fans 35K

FBA products, discounts greater than 30%, do not send no comments new products, most products can be sent. Redditors have multiple social media, usually synchronized, only feedback ins links and screenshots.

Reviews Required 90% Rate Only FBA 1-3 Day Post
€8.87 VIP
Fans 34K

FBA, only for pet supplies. (Dangerous items like dog training devices are not allowed.) The acceptance rate is 70%.

product selection 70% Rate Only FBA
€6.19 VIP

Exquisite small group, requiring a 40% discount, no temporary price increases allowed, new products can be launched, suitable for clothing/home/pets/toys, not for adults. Posting rate is 90%.

No Adults 90% Rate 40%+ Discount New product launch
€4.29 VIP

Large 70W group, good group interaction, 4.0+ ratings, discounts starting at 30%, worth checking out, high posting rate.

90% Rate 4+ Stars 30%+ Discount
€9.55 VIP

40%off , FBA only. selective posting, cost effective. 77% posting rate.

product selection 70% Rate 40%+ Discount Only FBA
€4.79 VIP

Pet group, FBM sends positively rated products - can send/blankets/baby gate cameras/carpets/cleaners/holiday related with a high up-posting rate.

Quick Post Can send FBM
€5.12 VIP

FBA/FBM can be sent, fast posting, high posting rate, cost-effective.

Quick Post Can send FBM 30%+ Discount
€2.74 VIP

Requires discounts greater than 30%. Suitable for home regular products. Can send new products with a high upward posting rate.

90% Rate New product launch 2-3 Day Pos 30%+ Discount
€2.39 VIP

FBA, 30% off or more, rating above 3.8, product selection, no adult items, 80% labeling rate, fast labeling.

No Adults product selection 4+ Stars Only FBA 30%+ Discount
€3.76 VIP

30% off or more, only for FBA, no temporary price increases allowed, new products can be launched. Suitable for regular household items, not for adult products, with a posting rate of 90%.

30%+ Discount New product launch Only FBA 90% Rate No Adults
€4.27 VIP
Fans 33K

FBA Only, no adult content, very active small group, this group only posts products under $10. Products over $10 are posted in the Super Sweet Deals group.

No Adults product selection Only FBA
€6.63 VIP

The group has good interactivity, no adult content, no price-inflated products. Posting rate is 90%, only FBA is posted, and products must be rated 4 stars or above.

Only FBA 4+ Stars No Adults
€3.06 VIP

FBA/FBM are both acceptable; adults can be posted. The posting rate is 99%, and the posting speed is fast. The group is fairly active, and we do not post products with price increases.

Adult OK 90% Rate Can send FBM
€5.10 VIP

INS influencers, suitable for women, children, home products, and clothing, not promoting adult products and toy guns, not promoting FBM.

No Politics No Knives No FBM No Adults
€19.58 VIP

Three groups with nearly 500,000 followers each, posting no adult content! Less than 200 posts per day, focusing on fashion, shoes, bags, home and kitchen, and pets, which are quite popular.

No Adults 90% Rate
€15.19 VIP

Both FBA/FBM are accepted! Products priced below $10 will be synchronized to another small group. Adult products can also be posted, but will be placed in the comments section of the adult post. Those who mind please do not select!

Adult OK Can send FBM
€2.55 VIP

FBA Only, posts are timely, occasionally posted within 48 hours. Will be synchronized to a small group. The group is active, feedback on clothing, home goods, and footwear is good.

Only FBA No Adults 1-2 Day Post
€4.59 VIP

6 groups share the same post, the groups are very active, can post adult and FBM, FBM store feedback is above 80%, do not post products with increased prices, the cost performance is very high, worth trying!

Can send FBM Adult OK
€5.45 VIP

On Mondays and Wednesdays, select posts with high posting rates! Choose 10 working days for posting randomly, not at a set time. Discounts should be set for 10 days or more!

No Adults No FBM 90% Rate
€24.76 VIP
Fans 184.3K

Posts typically within 1-3 days, suggest 3-7 days for Code. Selective posting, avoid excessive price markups.

New product launch 1-3 Day Post 90% Rate
€40.84 VIP

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