Male/electronics/tools/outdoor/toys bloggers, require discounts of 30% OFF or more, can accept new products.
No Adults No Knives Can send FBM 30%+ DiscountThe gender ratio is balanced, making it suitable for all product categories, including independent stores
90% Rate product selectionPopular Posts, over 30% off code, code needs to be displayed on the frontend, supporting Walmart, AliExpress, and independent sites.
30%+ DiscountSelect posts carefully, as the process is slow. Please choose wisely! You can send to Amazon FBA and AliExpress, with no other specific requirements.
Only FBA 90% Rate No AdultsRed envelopes must be at the lowest price in history. 16-hour quality guarantee. We do not accept orders from stores with less than 4 stars or no feedback. For Amazon store feedback, there must be over 100 reviews in the past year with at least 80% positive feedback.
4+ Stars 40%+ DiscountThe price to performance ratio is extremely high, highly recommended! It is a strict requirement to have a 30% off discount code, which must be applied on the same day of its validity.
30%+ Discount 90% Rate No AdultsThe quality-price ratio is extremely high, worth recommending! A mandatory requirement is to have a 30% off discount code, which must be posted quickly on the day the code is activated.
30%+ Discount 90% Rate No Politics No AdultsExceptional value for money, highly recommended! Mandatory requirement: Must have a discount code of 30% off or more, and the post will go live on the day the code takes effect.
30%+ Discount Long Posts No AdultsInfluencer post, with 776K monthly views. Influencers can post user deals, but the review process is strict. Brands with some level of recognition have a higher chance of approval.
Quick Post Strict SelectEdit posts, only post FBA, usually can be posted the same day, high posting rate.
Only FBA Quick Post 90% RateSelect posts, 4 stars and above, to be completed within 1-2 days, all categories, electronic products perform better.
Quick Post 90% Rate No AdultsWith 2 million monthly traffic, 92% of users from Germany. Editors post and need to select posts, suitable for technology, clothing, household essentials, and gift products. Posts will be up within 1-2 days.
1-2 Day Post New product launch Quick PostThe website has a monthly traffic of 2 million, with 95% of users from Germany. Editors post on the user deal section, offering competitive prices suitable for electronic products or male-oriented items.
Quick Post product selection No AdultsAd duration is one week, please ensure that the promotion is valid for more than 7 days. Discount must be greater than 30%. Price cannot be increased by more than 30% within a month. Adult products are not accepted.
30%+ Discount Quick Post No AdultsThe price-performance ratio is extremely high, worth recommending! A mandatory requirement is to have a 30% off discount code, which should be applied and visible on the same day.
30%+ Discount Quick Post No AdultsFBA, FBM, posts within 1-2 days. Discounts >30%, Listing rating >3.5 or unrated; average monthly visits over 150,000, posts stay for 15 days, featured on the homepage daily.
30%+ Discount 1-2 Day Post Can send FBMRating 4.0+, 40%off discount or higher, posted for 1-2 days. Typically placed in the top 1-5 rows.
1-2 Day Post 4+ Stars 40%+ Discount Weekend Off Adult OKMonthly traffic close to 300k, suitable for tools, electronics, hardware products. Posting takes 1-2 days and posts are selectively chosen. Higher quality links result in higher posting rates.
1-2 Day Post 90% Rate product selectionBilingual website, featured on the homepage for Chinese Americans in the US, across all product categories.
Quick Post 90% RateMainstream US deals website, 7.4M monthly traffic, 12M+ during peak season, fast posting, high acceptance rate, even for new items without reviews. Supports FBA and FBM. Budget-friendly sellers welcome.
Can send FBM New product launch 90% RateWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00