New administrator, price increased, wide publishing range! No adult content, fast posting rate, 90% post approval rate.
No Adults product selection 90% Rate Quick PostOnly accepting Amazon orders, with the option to simultaneously post to the FB page and WhatsApp/Telegram group chats, offering discounts of over 30%.
product selection Quick Post 30%+ DiscountEditorial posts selected based on product quality, prioritizing competitive pricing over high discounts. Effective posting rate for electronics and tools products, with good results. Posts within 1-2 days.
1-2 Day Post product selectionGermany's largest deals website with a monthly traffic of 33 million, posts quickly and displays single offers. Code promotions shown on the frontend drive higher interest for products. Amazon store has 200+ reviews, retail store has 500+ reviews.
Quick Post product selectionInfluencer post, with 776K monthly views. Influencers can post user deals, but the review process is strict. Brands with some level of recognition have a higher chance of approval.
Quick Post Strict SelectEdit posts, only post FBA, usually can be posted the same day, high posting rate.
Only FBA Quick Post 90% RateSelect posts, 4 stars and above, to be completed within 1-2 days, all categories, electronic products perform better.
Quick Post 90% Rate No AdultsThe website has a monthly traffic of 2 million, with 95% of users from Germany. Editors post on the user deal section, offering competitive prices suitable for electronic products or male-oriented items.
Quick Post product selection No AdultsAd duration is one week, please ensure that the promotion is valid for more than 7 days. Discount must be greater than 30%. Price cannot be increased by more than 30% within a month. Adult products are not accepted.
30%+ Discount Quick Post No AdultsFBA only, no new products to be launched, discounts must be above 40%, posting validity for 1 day, ratings should not be lower than 4.0, admin will select posts.
40%+ Discount Quick Post 4+ Stars Only FBAActive German group with good results: 4.0+ rating, over 40% off, FBA, 1-2 days. Responsive admins, posting within 1-2 days after reading messages, typically takes 2-10 days to see results.
40%+ Discount Strict Select 4+ Stars Only FBAFor FBA/FBM, prefer bigger discounts, post within 1 day, no adult content restriction, no product preferences, post simultaneously in both groups.
Can send FBM Quick Post 70% Rate No AdultsFBM can be sent, but not adult content. Generally, posts can be made within 1 to 4 hours, and never longer than 24 hours, to two groups: and
90% Rate No Adults Quick Post Only FBAFBA with over 40% off, listed within 1-2 days. Suitable for adult products, new items, product selection, and fast listing.
Adult OK product selection 40%+ Discount Quick Post New product launchPublished simultaneously in 7 Facebook groups and 3 Telegram groups, by default only the link to the post on that group will be submitted, selections must be made, and adult products will not be posted.
No Adults product selectionFBA products, no product discrimination. 4 groups are posted in total, one public page, 2 telegram groups, with posts made every 1-2 days.
90% Rate Only FBA 1-2 Day PostBoth FBA and FBM are acceptable, no requirements for discounts, cannot be used for adult products, high stickability rate.
4+ Stars Quick Post No New Items No Adults Can send FBMOne of Germany's most active groups, does not post FBM, does not post adult content, only posts FB channels, no other requirements.
Only FBA 90% Rate No FBM No AdultsWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00