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1-2 days to post, FBA. Products must have a minimum of 4 points, recommended for 3C household category, not accepting adult category.

No Adults 90% Rate 4+ Stars 1-2 Day Post
€25.70 VIP

1-2 days to post, edit and select posts, with a discount requirement of over 50% off, high post engagement, and high purchasing power.

Quick Post 50%+ Discount product selection
€59.59 VIP

Twitter followers: 31K, Monthly website visitors: 197K, specializing in kitchen, appliances, furniture categories. Personally tested chairs sold over 150 units.

40%+ Discount 4+ Stars Only FBA 2-3 Day Pos
€14.60 VIP
Fans 18K

Twitter 18K followers, recommending home, furniture, and 3C categories. Personally tested power bank, with small but impressive sales of 100+.

product selection 70% Rate Quick Post
€12.77 VIP

Only for adults, selected items, discounts up to 30% off, no rush orders accepted.

Quick Post 50% Rate
€8.01 VIP
Fans 693K

FBA, discounts over 30%, reaching nearly 700K followers, with individual post exposure exceeding 10K! Suitable for general categories such as holidays, home goods, children's products! 1-2 days for review!

Only FBA 1-3 Day Post 30%+ Discount
€50.40 VIP

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