Discount greater than 30% off, Rating greater than 3.8. Suitable for home goods/children's products/clothing, with a posting rate of 90%.
90% Rate 4+ Stars New product launch 30%+ DiscountFBA with 30%+ discount. Regular products can be shipped, no adult/political related/knives . High up posting rate.
No Adults No Knives No Politics 90% Rate Only FBA 30%+ DiscountMonthly traffic is 10W+ and may be shared to 3W+ telegram groups, single deal exposure of groups 3K+.
1-2 Day Post product selectionSelect posts; if selected, they will be shared in a VK group with 250,000 members and a Telegram group with 3,000 members. By default, only the VK link will be provided. Products for women and home goods generally perform well, while electronic products can also be considered. Most posts have a view count starting from 5,000.
Quick Post product selectionActive discount groups, covering various categories such as electronics, home goods, and beauty products, are available for participation, with views ranging from 3,000 to 5,000. Prices will increase during the three days prior to major promotional events, and postings may be delayed. Please refrain from joining if this is an issue for you!
product selectionActive small group in Italy, sharing selected posts, synchronized with another small group and Telegram, starting at 40% OFF, no restrictions on products, feel free to submit and try.
product selection 40%+ DiscountThis group only posts on the main page. The administrator has two main pages, both of which will have posts, with fast posting speed and highly active followers. No adult content or FBM is posted!
No Adults 90% Rate Quick Post Only FBANew administrator, price increased, wide publishing range! No adult content, fast posting rate, 90% post approval rate.
No Adults product selection 90% Rate Quick PostMainly focusing on electronics, fashion and beauty, home goods, and kitchen supplies; other categories can also be explored.
product selection Quick PostBoth FBA and FBM are acceptable. No adult content will be sent. Please also share with a small group of 2.9k followers.
No Adults Can send FBMFBM/FBA, no adult products. Posting rate is 80%, no posts on weekends. Posting on the European site is generally slower, so please be patient.
Can send FBM Weekend Off No AdultsThese are very affordable groups, with posts made in six groups at a time
Quick PostThe main focus is on women's products, with popular categories including home goods, beauty, fashion, and maternity and baby items, which are curated by the administrator
product selection Quick PostFBA Only, no adult content, very active small group, this group only posts products under $10. Products over $10 are posted in the Super Sweet Deals group.
No Adults product selection Only FBASelect posts, FBA/FBM, can send to adults, no price-hiking products. Products should have a rating of 4 stars or above, fashion and home categories, groups are of high quality, and post interactions are good.
Adult OK 4+ Stars Can send FBMThe largest Chinese community group in the U.S. has been established for 12 years. The selection of posts is strict, and the administrators revise the recommended texts in Chinese. The group is active, with a manageable daily post volume. While the pricing is a bit on the higher side, the results are quite good.
Strict Select 1-3 Day Post New product launchStrict selection criteria! FBA only, priority for baby and children’s products, beauty and home items. No adult products! Discounts of 50% off or more, ratings of 4 stars or higher, no new products. Requires at least 50 reviews. Feedback within 2-3 days.
Strict Select 50%+ Discount No New Items No Adults 4+ Stars Only FBA 2-3 Day PosThe prices have been slashed! This influencer website, which primarily targets female fans rather than adults, mainly conveys the concept of a healthy lifestyle by sharing recipe menus. Therefore, it differs from traditional deal sites. Products for women, kitchenware, and home items are likely to be more popular, along with beauty and fashion.
No AdultsBe selective; products rated below 3.8 stars or with few reviews are advised to be paired with other categories. Only accept FBA products that demonstrate active participation in the group, particularly in clothing and home goods, as these tend to perform well. Do not issue products that lack reviews.
Reviews Required Strict Select Only FBAThis small group is very active, posting regularly with a high rate of engagement. Posting opportunities for both FBM and adults. Topics such as beauty, fashion, and home decor perform well here. Posting rate is at 90%.
Adult OK 90% Rate Can send FBMWorking days: 9:00~22:00 Holidays: 9:00~18:00